Drama Based Training
Drama is a powerful educational tool and a wonderful way to explore difficult issues. Tania has worked with several companies over the years, in an educational capacity, both as a teacher and an actor using forum theatre, role-play and characterisation skills.
For education/role play enquiries, please use the contact form.
“Tania is always 100 percent reliable, happy to take on different roles and flexible in her presentation styles and skills. She is a very valuable member of our team and I would have no hesitation in recommending her services.”
“Tania has portrayed a range of characters with a depth of characterization that has enriched our scenarios and helped our clients to engage more fully with the issues we are exploring.”
Clients include
Rose Resnick Centre for the Blind - Ran a drama course for visually impaired adults for several years
Chinwag Theatre Company - Workshops for primary aged children on "anti-racism and bullying"
Interact - As an actor/facilitator on demo days, corporate films and diversity training workshops
360 - Diversity and behaviour in the workplace training workshops
Ionann - Workshops on ‘diversity and equality issues’
Issues Ltd - "Teen issues" and roleplay
Other clients - Royal Bank of Canada, Barclays Bank, Shell, Ofstead, Reuters, Prudential, Nottingham City Council, Macquarie, McFarlane's, Metropolitan University, City University, HSBC, Cisco, London Metropolitan Police, BAA, Cathay Pacific, Brighton & Hove City Council, Hillingdon Hospital, various London primary and secondary schools, GMB.